I was preparing to go to the annual conference at Boyne Mountain. I was speaking again that year as well. News travels fast when you are single. Men who had watched me years before, but at a distant, were like sniffing dogs in search of a fresh meaty bone. One particular one was an attorney that I had become acquainted with over the years. He was such a gentleman all the times we had traveled to hearings, but as I have mentioned, people forget their lives away from these conferences and its a free for all if you have an interest.
He stuck by me most of the conference. He had never been to one of our conferences before, although he represented many of our members. He had heard the news of my separation and he came to "console" me. I will never forget how this man, who was such a perfect gentleman prior to this, was just a man in a dog suit that week. He told me that his sister had gone through a divorce and he knew she felt rejected. He knew just what I needed to feel alive again. Are you kidding me? You think five minutes between some cheap sheets is going to mend my broken heart? He was married! Had been for over twenty years with five kids! A pillar in his community and a devout Catholic. I really was amazed at how many opportunities were there for the taking, but I declined. I had no interest in one night stands or quickies. I legally was still married and I had only had this new found freedom for less than a week when I attended this conference.
Labor Day Weekend was approaching. My first official holiday weekend without Killer. Without yard work and without the same old, same old routine. Michael invited me to the boat and to spend time with the Base Street Boat Club friends. They had their annual Labor Day Weekend Party planned and he was sure I would enjoy it. For the most part I was settled in and I did not want to stay home for the weekend nor go to the lake to see my parents. I wanted to do something completely different in celebration of my new life.
We had such a great weekend! I ate my first White Castle hamburger. I know it is a bit of a shock, considering I am the connoisseur of ground beef in any shape or form, but especially in burger form! I was almost addicted to those square little greasy sliders that summer. But again, I had lost my mind, so it is understandable.
We arrived Friday night and got the boat out of storage. Michael kept his boat in dry dock when he was not there. We spent the whole weekend sleeping on the boat. The group packed picnic baskets full of food and headed out to some little sand island on Lake Huron. We tied the boats together and set up water volley ball. We cooked hot dogs and played music, laid on the boats sunning or on a beach towel in the sand. It was just non stop fun!
Days turned into weeks and before I knew it late October had arrived. Killer called me at work. I had not heard from him since before I moved out on that sunny day in August. He wanted to know who I was seeing. Who I was seeing? I wasn't seeing anyone. If seeing meant "dating" or as my Mother put it, fucking. He read to me a dossier that he had in his hands. He had hired a private detective to follow me. He knew I had spent Labor Day weekend with Michael. He knew the address of Doug and Linda's home. He even knew their last name and I didn't know that! He knew where they worked, he knew what car I had been seen in and who it was registered to. He asked me if I left him for Michael Hardy and proceeded to tell me what a scum bucket he was.
As I had mentioned they knew each other through business. I came to find out neither liked the other one and I was now in the middle of a pissing match between these two men. I thought my life was going to get easier.
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