Koochie Koo |
For those of you who know me, know that I love my dogs. My love for dogs began at an early age. My parents bought my brother and I a poodle for Christmas in 1965. We had had a cat, Puff, but Puff blew out the front door one day when I went to get the mail and was never seen again. Honestly, I don't think my parents looked all that hard for Puff, but that was OK, we got the dog!
Foxy |
As a young girl, I would take my little puppy for a walk. We lived next to Lansing Community College and every day the young students would stroll to their cars and pass me as I was walking my "baby." Imagine their surprise when they wanted to sneak a peek at my baby doll! For there in my stroller was my little four legged furry friend. Koochie Koo! We had to put Koochie down when I was 17 years old. She had been my constant companion all of my childhood,
My parents bought a Fox Terrier next. I was a Senior in high school and we named her Foxy. We giggled over what others would think when we opened the door and yelled for her, "Come Foxy! She was my Mom's dog as they got her as the nest emptied and Mom was at home alone. She was a fickled dog as she became my Dad's dog when he retired roughly four years after they got her.
The Buddies |
My first husband, Killer, didn't like dogs. In fact he hated for me to watch "Kick Start," a name he selected for Foxy. Killer preferred his "Buddies" and where ever we traveled his "Buddies" came with us. Yes, a grown man and his stuffed animals, requires a blog entry all of its own. This later became a point of contention as I could not see myself without a dog all of my life.
Cinnamon Marie |
After I left Killer and bought my own home, I desired to have my own dog. I always liked Cocker Spaniels and without much research, bought one at the local pet store. I have learned that is not the way to acquire a dog. I named her Cinnamon Marie. She was a handful! I had not had the responsibility of training a puppy and I worked full time, leaving Cinnamon home all day long by herself. She retaliated by keeping me up all night. I have never had the desire to have my own children and this confirmed my decision. It was like having a baby! She was very demanding of my time and back then my time was focused on my work and what little bit of a social life I had. I gave Cinnamon to a friend of my neighbor who had a large fenced in yard and children. I knew she needed to be kept active and I was not home to spend the time with her. As with most puppies from pet stores, she died shortly before she turned two from cancer. I had her for about a year, so her last year perhaps was filled with joy, but she was the cutest little puppy I've seen.
Hello Neighbor! |
I married shortly after Cinnamon found her new home. Chappy didn't care for "lap dogs." He wanted a big dog! Within the first year of marriage, he was transferred to Indianapolis and we eventually found a home in Fishers. When we were house hunting, we found our perfect little home across the street from where my next best friend lived. Her name was Precious and she belonged to the Woods. Tim and Jean were both from Michigan. In fact as we shared stories of our life, Jean grew up on the same block as Killer did in East Lansing. She spoke of the house that he grew up in and we lived in, as the "house with the weird people and hedge. I guess some things never change.
Chappy traveled a lot and was rarely home. I walked every night three miles and I usually did it after dark so I could walk and not be interrupted with chatting. Apparently Chappy did not approve of this as he suggested that I ask the neighbors if I could walk their dog. He would feel better knowing I had a dog with me while out walking. It was a nice gesture, but really, you want me to call the neighbors and ask them if I could walk their dog? Thank you, but no thank you. this girl walks alone.
Precious |
Needless to say, he approached the Woods and they were more than willing to accommodate this request. This was 1995 and my life with Precious began. If it were not for her, I'd have been very lonely for many years. Our introduction was subtle. This was the dog Chappy was going to be best buds with, so when he was out mowing, Precious would wonder over and walk with him as he mowed. He came to the back door to get water and invited Precious in. Now mind you, I have only had small dogs and this was like inviting a horse into the house. She was so big! But over time, she was just Precious, my lap dog.
In the beginning I would come home from work and walk across the street to pick her up. We'd go for our walk and I'd return her. After a while, she'd come inside with me and as it came time for bed, I'd call the Woods and tell them I was sending her home. We would open our front doors and off Precious would go.
Cindy and Precious |
As time moved on, Precious would be waiting for me at the end of her driveway to come home, She would see my car and meet me at the mailbox, so happy to see me. I would retrieve the mail and she'd run up to the house as the garage opened waiting patiently to come inside. Off we'd go for our walk and a night of companionship before she headed home.
A day came that her owner and I took a walk together. As we ended the walk at my drive way she suggested a "sleep over." I have to confess I thought it was quite funny. A sleep over with a dog? I wasn't sure about this. What were her habits? You recall my recent experience was a dog that partied all night long. I was reassured that it was not going to be a problem. Before retiring, just open the door and tell her "Corner," You have got to be kidding me, "corner" and this dog does what? You got it! She would go out to the fence and follow it to the far corner of the yard where she took care of her business and then relieved, run back to the door for the night! I couldn't believe it the first time so I tested it out several times and lo and behold, she never let me down.
Chipmunk? |
She loved to go for walks, but you had to be careful, she had a hankering for those little chipmunks and she'd tear the guttering off your house if she chased one up the down spout. Chappy had just completed some landscaping when Precious discovered one of those pesky little pests ran up the down spout. He was not happy with her, but I was delighted! She was just my pride and joy!
Sleep Over |
Her sleep overs lasted almost four years. Every morning I would get up and get ready for work. As I left, I would give her a dog biscuit so she would be out of the way as I backed up. And as I drove off, she would stand in the middle of the cul-de-sac and watch me drive away faithfully awaiting my return. She became my constant companion. The first night she slept over, I made her a make shift bed complete with pillow. I couldn't imagine sharing a bed with such a big dog, but over time, she graduated to Chappy's side of the bed as he was absent more than he was present.
The Wood's would call and ask if she could come over to visit with company, but as soon as her duty was fulfilled, she was back at my side. She was such a smart dog and the Wood's had spent a tremendous amount of time training her. One of my favorite tricks were to wrap her leash up and put it in her mouth. She would walk so proud down the side walk and people would always comment about the dog who walked herself.
Spoiled Precious |
I spoiled her, I will admit. She was given special treats, winter sweaters, fancy collars, endless beds and of course, the back of my car was eventually her dog house when she became my dog and my dog alone.
You see this dog stole my heart. Chappy came home one day to tell me we were moving to Chicago and my first response was, "I can't go, what about Precious?" I couldn't imagine my life with out her. Four years she'd been with me, how could I just up and move away? But we did. I missed her so much. Chappy continued to work long hours and again was never home, even though for the first time in five years of marriage, we lived and worked in the same city for once. I packed up our house and moved to Naperville, Illinois.
Expensive Mobile Dog House |
The Schafer's |
Precious had her family. But she was withdrawn as well, so I drove back to Indiana and Precious went on vacation! Our days were spent unpacking and exploring the area. We found new trails to walk, we found adventures to go on and we just hung. But, the Wood's children missed their Precious, so I had to pack her up and bring her back to her family. Precious always traveled in the very back of my SUV's. She never came up to the second row of seats or the front. She had it made in her space.
Chipmunk Hunting |
Do you need help? |
That trip back to Indiana was one of the saddest days in my life. I cried from the time we loaded the car until we reached Fishers, Indiana. She sensed my sadness and she came over the back seat and rested her head on my shoulder for most of the trip. I had told the Woods that I had to drop her off and just leave. I didn't want to stop and visit, I just would drop her off. As I drove up their drive way she was so excited. She recognized where she was, but as I let her out of the car and took her back to the gated yard, she stood and we said our good-byes with our eyes as only a human and dog can. I couldn't bear to say good-bye, so with tear filled eyes, I let her know she was the best thing that had happened to me and thanked her for being so Precious.The drive back to Naperville was heart wrenching and coming home to an empty house was unbearable. But life goes on. I finished packing and started decorating, making this house a home. It wasn't but a week or so later, that Chappy came home to inform me we were moving again. We had been in this house for four months. We were moving to Atlanta. He was off and I was left to once again, sell the house and pack us up to move.
Walking Myself |
Around Thanksgiving, just a few weeks after I had dropped Precious off, the Wood's called to tell me Precious wanted to talk to me. You could hear her in the back ground barking. I reassured her I was OK and that she should demand more special treatment, but what she was telling me was that she wanted to come live with me, permanently, not on a vacation. The Wood's had had a family meeting and had made a decision to give Precious to me, for good. I'm not sure why the decision was made, but I was so honored that they had chosen me to care for her. I told Precious though that I could not take her right now. We were moving to Atlanta and we'd be living in an executive suite while we built our home. It would be at least six months before I could take her.
I know she keeps the treats in here! |
Six months later, my former mother in law came to visit and she and my father in law stopped in Indiana to pick up Precious and deliver her to her forever home with Cindy Marie. Giving up a dog, regardless of whether you want to or not, is not an easy task, it is very emotional. I cried when I gave Cinnamon away, although I knew it was best for her, there is still an emotional tie to your pet that tugs at your heart strings. My former mother in law (again, worth a blog or two all of her own) picked up Precious and let the Wood's know that she didn't know how they could GIVE up their dog. She was a piece of work.
Yep, every crumb is mine |
So Precious came to Atlanta. Chappy traveled more and was home less. We unpacked and made this house that we built our home. I was living the life of the executive wife. I was lonely as I was once again placed in a city where I knew no one and didn't know the area all that well. Precious and I took road trips, we found trails to walk, we explored the Blue Ridge Mountains, we explored parks, we hung out as only best buds could. She went every where with me.
Does this make me look fat? |
While we lived in Alpharetta, Chappy strayed, unlike my furry companion, he was not loyal. Precious liked Chappy, but she was my dog, my protector. The day that Chappy moved, Precious wouldn't go near him even as he called her to come, She stood next to my side. Best trick she ever did!
We moved from Alpharetta to Michigan temporarily as I attempted to find employment. Precious and I again traveled the roadside finding new places to roam.
The things I do for these humans! |
Eventually, my divorce was settled and I found employment. We moved to Carmel, Indiana. Precious and I again unpacked and settled in. She was a trooper and one of a kind. She was closing in on 8 years old. We loved going north to Houghton Lake to visit my parents where we would go "chipmunk" hunting and swimming in the big lake.
Hello, I've got an eye on you! |
When I met Bill, he took to Precious and we were a family. But in November of 2004, just as I was preparing to head to Chicago for a three day conference, I awoke to find my sweet little girl bleeding. I could not detect where she was bleeding, but she was over ten years old now and she was having difficulty with her hips and her bowels. I took her to the Vet and asked they watch her for the day to see if she acted any different. Everyone who came in contact with Precious loved her. At the end of the day, the Vet said she noticed that Precious just wasn't herself, but the call was mine.
Lounging in the yard |
Peace be with you, my friend |
I called the Wood's to tell them of the situation and I called Bill. Every one came to say their good-byes. The children were all grown now. Their childhood pet laid in the vet's office while everyone told stories of Precious. Every one left and I laid on the floor with my baby girl. We had quite a ride, didn't we?
I thanked her for all the love she bestowed upon me and for being there when others walked away. I thanked her for sharing her heart with me and for making me a better person. I thanked her for all the walks we took to smell the flowers and enjoy the simpler things in life and I thanked her bringing joy to my heart. The doctor had inserted the IV and slipped outside of the room. She told me to let her know "When," When? I was not God, how could I make that decision to allow my sweet Precious to pass over. I cried and cried, wondering if I was making the right decision, but in a moment that we had shared before, our eyes met, the message was sent, "Peace be with you my dear friend, for my journey has been fulfilled." Peace be with you, my sweet Precious Girl, may you find those trails we hiked and those mountains we climbed in your next life.
I laid on the floor and held her as the doctor administered the medication. We kept our eyes on each other as the time we had to share was soon to be gone. She closed her eyes, as if she were napping and she laid there so peaceful as if she were resting after a long walk. Peace be with you my dear sweet Precious. You will forever live within my heart.
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